
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Blogger post from ASP.Net

Sample post! It looks like setting a draft post to false on the AtomEntry object does not work or it is simply a matter of providing the postId alongwith the blogId and not setting the URL to default feeds.

Below is the code: (you can use NUGet to install the Google API into your VS project)

using System;
using Google.GData.Client;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace BloggerPost
    public partial class _Default : Page
        string blogId = ""; // This id will be part of the query string in your browser address bar when you access your blog
        string username;
        string password;
        private void PostOrUpdateBlogPost(string yourBlogId,bool isUpdate)
            if (yourBlogId != null)
                var service = new Google.GData.Client.Service("","Application Name");
                service.Credentials = new GDataCredentials(username, password);
                AtomEntry newPost = null;
                if (isUpdate)
                        // need to correct the URL here
                        newPost = service.Get(yourBlogId);
                        // Setting the isDraft property requires the above URL to contain the postId (need to confirm test this).
                        if (newPost.IsDraft) newPost.IsDraft = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    newPost = new AtomEntry();
                    newPost.Title.Text = "Blogger post from ASP.Net";
                    newPost.Content = new AtomContent();
                    newPost.Content.Content = "Sample post! It looks like setting a draft post to false on the AtomEntry object does not work or it is simply a matter of providing the postId alongwith the blogId and not setting the URL to default feeds.";
                    newPost.Content.Type = "html";
                    if (!isUpdate)
                        Uri blogPostUri = new Uri("" + yourBlogId + "/posts/default");
                        newPost = service.Insert(blogPostUri, newPost);
                        newPost = newPost.Update();
                catch (Exception ex)
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                PostOrUpdateBlogPost(blogId,false); // the boolean is to specify if it is a new post or an update.

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